New opportunity for joint projects in Poland

Norsk Energi is an attractive partner for counterparts from Poland, which will apply for EEA grants available for energy, environmental and climate projects. We possess both recent project experience from this country and extensive professional expertise.

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Environmental Improvements of Barents Hot Spots

In November 2017, the Environmental Ministers of Barents Euro Council decided to exclude three Environmental Hot Spots. Norsk Energi presented work done for the exclusion of the Hot Spot on Wood Waste in Komi (Komi Ko7) at this high-level meeting.

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Advanced control system for district heating plant at BKK district heating company in Bergen

BKK Heating in Bergen has upgraded control systems in the entire district heating system. Boiler selection system is upgraded with graphical representation of all heat sources, and computer based solution for their prioritization. Boiler selection system provides fully automatic start, stop, and the regulation of the heating load from ten sources of heating spread over the three heating plants.

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