Norcem Brevik. Foto: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix
CO2 capture at Norcem Brevik
Brevik CCS is part of the Norwegian Longship project for carbon capture and storage (CCS). Norsk Energi has contract with Aker Solutions, who has EPC contract with Heidelberg for carbon capture with their amine solution.
Norsk Energi is responsible for the design and development of the technical solution where shell boilers are used to recover approximately 30 MW of waste heat from the cement off-gas. In addition, a 22 kV electrode boiler with 8 MW installed power has been installed, which delivers 12 bar of steam as needed.
Our scope in the project is design and engineering of the steam system that delivers steam to the CO2 capture plant, including technical responsible in procurement. The steam is produced in waste heat recovery boilers which recover waste heat from the cement process. Waste heat utilization gives a significant reduction in the operating costs of the project and is one of the key factors ensuring a cost-effective plant.
Shell boilers have not previously been used for heat recovery from cement off-gas and are therefore considered a new technology in this context. Norsk Energi participated in a technology qualification of the boiler concept as a proof of concept in the FEED phase of the project, according to DNVGL-RP-A203. As part of the verification of the boiler concept, Norsk Energi has designed, installed and operated a pilot boiler at Norcem Brevik. The results from the pilot plant have provided valuable insight and reduced the risk associated with the boiler design.
Norsk Energi’s shell boiler concept will be the first of its kind in the world. The project cover, by other, following scope:
- Technical solution and process responsible for the steam and condensate system
- Design of shell boiler concept for waste heat recovery from cement off-gas
- Process evaluations, calculations, and design
- Flowcharts and P&ID including equipment and component lists
- Mechanical calculations of shell boilers and mechanical equipment in VVD
- Functional description for control, monitoring and safety for boiler and steam system
- Procurement Responsible Engineer (PRE) for shell boilers, electrical boiler, steam fans, feed water tank and sound horn.
Norsk Energi is proud to participate with its expertise in steam technology and waste heat utilization from demanding off-gas.
Project facts
Norcem Brevik
Process Industry
Concept and FEED study
30 MW waste heat recovery
8 MW electrode boiler
Ronny Valjord
+47 412 06 592
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Kristin Løbach Jordhøy
+47 959 17 192
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